Articles, papers, presentations, and other materials authored by faculty from the School of Law at Loyola University Chicago.
Publications from 2003
The Structural Power of Strong Pharmaceutical Patent Protection in U.S. Foreign Policy, James T. Gathii
Torture, Extraterritoriality, Terrorism, and International Law, James T. Gathii
Globalization and Comparative Family Law: A Discussion of Pluralism, Universality, and Markets, James T. Gathii and Patricia Youngblood Reyhan
Training the Law to Represent the Whole Child: In Re Pena, Diane C. Geraghty, Thomas F. Geraghty, and A. Vigil
Out With the Open-Transaction Doctrine: A New Theory for Taxing Contingent Payment Sales, Jeffrey L. Kwall
The Irony of International Letters of Credit: They Aren’t Secure, But They (Usually) Work, Margaret L. Moses
Symposium: Ethics 2000 and beyond: Reform or Professional Responsibility as Usual: Dedication, Ronald D. Rotunda, John E. Nowak
A Flaw in the Sarbanes-Oxley Reform: Can Diversity in the Boardroom Quell Corporate Corruption?, Steven A. Ramirez
Flaw in the Sarbanes-Oxley Reform: Can Diversity in the Boardroom Quell Corporate Corruption?, Steven A. Ramirez
The Law and Microeconomics of the New Deal at 70, Steven A. Ramirez
Big Picture, Fine Print: The Intersection of Art and Tax, Anne-Marie E. Rhodes
ALJ Control of the hearing: What does an ALJ do about an unruly witness or obstreperous attorney?, Allen E. Shoenberger
Contextualizing Bias Crimes: A Social & Theoretical Perspective, Alexander Tsesis
Public Choice Theory and the International Harmonization of Competition Policy, Spencer Weber Waller
The Incoherence of Punishment in Antitrust, Spencer Weber Waller
The Short Unhappy Judgeship of Thurman Arnold, Spencer Weber Waller
The Uses of Business Theory in Antitrust Litigation, Spencer Weber Waller
Systemic Empathy, Michael J. Zimmer
Publications from 2002
Bush v. Gore and a Proper Separation of Powers, George Anastaplo
But Not Philosophy: Seven Introducations to Non-Western Thought, George Anastaplo
Leveraging Quality in Managed Care: Moving Advocates Back into the Box, John D. Blum
The Role of Law in Global E. Health: A Tool for Development and Equity in a Digitally Divided World, John D. Blum
Consumer and Pharmaceutical Dimensions of Addressing Bio-Terrorism: An Analysis of In re Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Antitrust Litigation, James T. Gathii
Rights, Patents, Markets and the Global AIDS Pandemic, James T. Gathii
The Legal Status of the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health Under the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties, James T. Gathii
Attacking the Copyright Evildoers in Cyberspace, Cynthia M. Ho
Who Deserves the Patent Pot of Gold?: An Inquiry into the Proper Inventorship of Patient Based Discoveries, Cynthia M. Ho
Federal Sentencing and Practice, T. Hutchinson and David N. Yellen
Fear and Social Capitalism: The Law and Macroeconomics of Investor Confidence, Steven A. Ramirez
The Professional Obligations of Securities Brokers Under Federal Law: An Antidote for Bubbles?, Steven A. Ramirez
Criminal Procedure: From Bail to Jail, 2002, Alan Raphael
Employment Discrimination: Law & Practice (Aspen Law & Business, 3ed., C. A. Sullivan, R. Hanner White, and Michael J. Zimmer
The Problem of Confederate Symbols: A Thirteenth Amendment Approach, Alexander Tsesis
Competition, Consumer Protection, and Energy Deregulation, Spencer Weber Waller
Suing OPEC, Spencer Weber Waller
The United States as Antitrust Court Room to the World, Spencer Weber Waller
Publications from 2001
Law & Literature and the Austen-Dostoyevsky Axis: Explorations, George Anastaplo
Longevity and the Future: Challenges of Health Policy, John D. Blum
Overcoming Managed Care Regulatory Chaos Through A Restructured Federalism, John D. Blum
Construing Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Policy Consistently with Facilitating Access to Affordable AIDS Drugs to Low-End Consumers, James T. Gathii
Re-Characterizing the Social in the Constitutionalization of the WTO: A Preliminary Analysis, James T. Gathii
The Jury-Trial Right in the UCC: On a Slippery Slope, Margaret L. Moses
Limited Liability Companies in the Decade of the 1990's. Legislative and Case Law Developments and Their Implications for the Future, Charles W. Murdock
Back to the Future Due Process Analysis, John E. Nowak
A General Theory of Cultural Diversity, Steven A. Ramirez
October Term: 1999: The Supreme Court's Last Term of the Twentieth Century, Increasing Deference to Administrative Agencies, Allen E. Shoenberger
Hate in Cyberspace: Regulating Hate Speech On the Internet, Alexander Tsesis
Antitrust as Consumer Choice: Comments on the New Paradigm, Spencer Weber Waller
The Language of Law and the Language of Business, Spencer Weber Waller
Troxel v. Granville: Implications for At Risk Children and the Amicus Curiae Role of University-Based Interdisciplinary Centers for Children, Barbara Bennett Woodhouse and Sacha M. Coupet
Leading by Example: An Holistic Approach to Individual Disparate Treatment Law, Michael J. Zimmer
Slicing & Dicing Individual Disparate Treatment Law, Michael J. Zimmer
Publications from 2000
Abraham Lincoln and the American Regime: Explorations, George Anastaplo
John Quincy Adams Revisited, George Anastaplo
The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara: Contemporary Lessons in the Child Welfare Wars, Bruce A. Boyer and Steven Lubet
Baccauaureate Mass Reflection: The Catholic Lawyer: Justice and the Incarnation, John M. Breen
Alternative and Critical: The Contribution of Research and Scholarship on Developing Countries to International Legal Theory, Symposium Issue Foreword, James T. Gathii
Human Rights, the World Bank and the Washington Consensus: 1949-1999, James T. Gathii
Termination of Older Youth from Foster Care: A Protocol for Illinois, Laurene Heybach and Stacey E. Platt
Patents, Patients, and Public Policy: An Incomplete Intersection at 35 U.S.C. 287 (c), Cynthia M. Ho
Splicing Morality and Patent Law: Issues Arising from Mixing Mice and Men,, Cynthia M. Ho
What the Jury Must Hear: The Supreme Court’s Evolving Seventh Amendment Jurisprudence, Margaret L. Moses
Chasing the Cannon: A Tail's View of, and Requests to, the Dog, John E. Nowak
Jury Trials and First Amendment Values in Cyber World, John E. Nowak
Constitutional Law, 6th ed., John E. Nowak and Ronald D. Rotunda
Depoliticizing Financial Regulation, Steven A. Ramirez
Diversity and the Boardroom, Steven A. Ramirez
The New Cultural Diversity and Title VII, Steven A. Ramirez
Eliminating the Destitution of America's Homeless: A Fair, Federal Approach, Alexander Tsesis
The Empirical Shortcomings of First Amendment Jurisprudence: An Historical Perspective on the Power of Hate Speech, Alexander Tsesis
Bringing Globalism Home: Lessons From Antitrust and Beyond, Spencer Weber Waller
Can U.S. Antitrust Law Open International Markets?, Spencer Weber Waller
The Twilight of Comity, Spencer Weber Waller
Is “Relevant Conduct” Relevant? Reconsidering the Guidelines’ Approach to Real Offense Sentencing, David N. Yellen
Chaos or Coherence: Individual Disparate Treatment Discrimination and the ADEA, Michael J. Zimmer
Publications from 1999
Corruption and Donor Reforms: Expanding the Promises and Possibilities of the Rule of Law as an Anti-Corruption Strategy in Kenya, James T. Gathii
Good Governance as a Counter Insurgency Agenda to Oppositional and Transformative Social Projects in International Law, James T. Gathii
Neoliberalism, Colonialism and International Governance: Decentering the International Law of Governmental Legitimacy, James T. Gathii
Rejoinder: Twailing International Law, James T. Gathii
An International Common Law of Antitrust, Spencer Weber Waller
Publications from 1998
Representations of Africa in Good Governance Discourse: Policing and Containing Dissidence to Neo-Liberalism,, James T. Gathii
Publications from 1996
Reflections on United States-Based Human Rights NGOs' Work on Africa, James T. Gathii and Celestine Nyamu
Publications from 1994
Wanyiri Kihoro vs. Attorney General: New Insights on the Protection and Enforcement of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in Kenya, James T. Gathii