Articles, papers, presentations, and other materials authored by faculty from the School of Law at Loyola University Chicago.
Publications from 2018
Prophesy, Public Theology, and Questions of Justice: Some Modest Reflections, Barry Sullivan
The Power of Imagination: Diversity and the Education of Lawyers and Judges, Barry Sullivan
Categorizing Student Speech, Alexander Tsesis
Trade Associations, Information Exchange, and Cartels, Spencer Weber Waller
Publications from 2017
A Diachronic Approach to Bob Jones: Religious Tax Exemptions after Obergefell, Samuel D. Brunson and David Herzig
Let Prophets Be (Non) Profits, Samuel D. Brunson and David Herzig
Henry J. Richardson III: The Father of Black Traditions of International Law, James T. Gathii
Regime Shifting of IP Law Making and Enforcement from the WTO to the International Investment Regime, James T. Gathii and Cynthia M. Ho
Cuban Law & Legal Research: A Snapshot During the Deshielo: A Handout Prepared to Accompany Program D4, American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting & Conference, Austin, Texas, July 17, 2017, Julienne Grant and Marisol Floren-Romero
A Century of Latino/Hispanic Graduates, Thomas M. Haney
Social Justice and the American Law School Today: Since We Are Made for Love, Michael J. Kaufman
How the Supreme Court's Misconstruction of the FAA Has Affected Consumers, Margaret L. Moses
Cultivating Innovation in Precision Medicine Through Regulatory Flexibility at the FDA, Jordan Paradise
Diversity, Compliance, Ethics & In-House Counsel, Steven A. Ramirez
Social Justice and Capitalism: An Assessment of the Teachings of Pope Francis from a Law and Macroeconomics Perspective, Steven A. Ramirez
From Selma to Ferguson: The Voting Rights Act as a Blueprint for Police Reform, Stephen Rushin
Police Union Contracts, Stephen Rushin
De-Policing, Stephen Rushin and Griffin Sims Edwards
State Labor Law and Federal Police Reform, Stephen Rushin and Allison Garnett
Internet Safe Harbors and the Transformation of Copyright Law, Matthew Sag
Human Rights in a Time of Terror: Comparison between Treatment in the European Courts of Human Rights and the United States, Allen E. Shoenberger
Health Care Is Not a Typical Consumer Good and We Should Not Rely on Incentivized Consumers to Allocate It, Lawrence E. Singer
Leadership in Online Non-Traditional Legal Education: Lessons Learned & Questions Raised, Lawrence E. Singer
Campus Speech and Harassment, Alexander Tsesis
How Much of Health Care Antitrust Is Really Antitrust?, Spencer Weber Waller
Efforts to Combat Child Trafficking in the US: Victims and Victim-Witnesses, Katherine Kaufka Walts
Publications from 2016
Foster Care Reentry Laws: Mending the Safety Net for Emerging Adults in the Transition to Independence, Bruce A. Boyer
Dear I.R.S., It Is Time to Enforce the Campaigning Prohibition. Even Against Churches, Samuel Brunson
Taxing Utopia, Samuel Brunson
Customary International Law, the Separation of Powers, and the Choice of Law in Armed Conflicts and Wars, John C. Dehn
Saving the Serengeti: Africa's New International Judicial Environmentalism, James T. Gathii
Strength in Intellectual Property Protection and Foreign Direct Investment Flows in Least Developed Countries, James T. Gathii
The Variation in the Use of Sub-Regional Integration Courts between Business and Human Rights Actors: The Case of the East African Court of Justice, James T. Gathii
Bending the Curve: Reflections on a Decade of Illinois Juvenile Justice Reform, Diane C. Geraghty
90th Anniversary of Women Law Graduates, Thomas M. Haney
A Collision Course between TRIPS Flexibilities and Investor-State Proceedings, Cynthia M. Ho
An Active Learning Approach to Teaching Tough Topics: Personal Jurisdiction as an Example, Cynthia M. Ho
Developing Prevention-Oriented Discipline Codes of Conduct, Miranda Johnson and Pamela A. Fenning
Access To Capital or Just More Blues? Issuer Decision-Making Post SEC Crowdfunding Regulation, Patricia Lee
A Profile of Bio-Pharma Consolidation Activity, Jordan Paradise
A Profile of Bio-Pharma Consolidation Activity, Jordan Paradise
Diversifying to Mitigate Risk: Can Dodd–Frank Section 342 Help Stabilize the Financial Sector?, Steven A. Ramirez, Kristin N. Johnson, and Cary Martin Shelby
IP Litigation in United States District Courts: 1994 to 2014, Matthew Sag
Ethical Limitations on the State's Use of Arational Persuasion, Nadia N. Sawicki
Informed Consent as Compelled Professional Speech: Fictions, Facts, and Open Questions, Nadia N. Sawicki
Modernizing Informed Consent: Expanding the Boundaries of Materiality, Nadia N. Sawicki
Just Listening: The Equal Hearing Principle and the Moral Life of Judges, Barry Sullivan
Balancing Free Speech, Alexander Tsesis
Multifactoral Free Speech, Alexander Tsesis
Social Media Accountability for Terrorist Propaganda, Alexander Tsesis
The Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Interpretation, Alexander Tsesis
The Declaration of Independence as Introduction to the Constitution, Alexander Tsesis
Publications from 2015
Understanding the Tethered Generation: Net Gens Come to Law School, Mary Ann Becker
The Forgotten Jurisprudential Debate: Catholic Legal Thought’s Response to Legal Realism, John M. Breen and Lee J. Strang
Happiness and the Law, John Bronsteen
The Overlooked Benefits of the Blackstone Principle, John Bronsteen
Selling Chevron, Christine Chabot
Children, Sexuality, and the Law, Sacha M. Coupet
90 Years of African American Diversity, Thomas M. Haney
Sovereignty Under Siege: Corporate Challenges to Domestic Intellectual Property Decisions, Cynthia M. Ho
Learning together: the law, politics, economics, pedagogy, and neuroscience of early childhood education, Michael J. Kaufman, Sherelyn R. Kaufman, and Elizabeth C. Nelson
It’s Not Just Preschool: The Law of Politics, Economics, and Neuroscience of Early Childhood Education, Michael J. Kaufman, Sherelyn R. Kaufman, and Elizabeth Chase Nelson
The Outer Limits of Realization: Weiss v. Stearn and Corporate Dilution, Jeffrey L. Kwall and Katherine K. Wilbur
Halliburton, Basic, and Fraud on the Market: The Need for a New Paradigm, Charles W. Murdock
The Significance and Impact of Price Distortion and the Fraud-on-the-Market Theory after Halliburton II, Charles W. Murdock
Trademark Practice Throughout the World, Nanette Norton and Mary M. Squyres
Of Word Grenades and Impermeable Walls: Imperial Scholarship Then and Now, Juan F. Perea
Race and Races: Cases and Resources for a Diverse America, 3rd ed., Juan F. Perea
Rodrigo’s Abstraction: Capitalism Inequality & Reform Over Time and Space, Steven A. Ramirez
Toward a Critical Corporate Law Pedagogy and Scholarship, Steven A. Ramirez, Cheryl L. Wade, and Andre Douglas Pond Cummings
How Federal Tax Expenditures That Support Housing Contribute to Economic Inequality, Henry Rose
Copyright Trolling, An Empirical Study, Matthew Sag
Promoting Innovation, Matthew Sag and Spencer Weber Waller
Magna Charta: The Charter of the Forest, and the Prerogatives of Kings, Allen E. Shoenberger
Antisemitism and Hate Speech Studies, Alexander Tsesis
Free Speech Constitutionalism, Alexander Tsesis
Brands, Competition Law and IP, Spencer Weber Waller, Devan R. Desai, and Ioannis Lianos
Publications from 2014
How Do You Explain Craziness? On the Germans and the Holocaust, George Anastaplo
Statutory Making and Interpretation: The Lessons of 1533-35 for the Present Age, Robert J. Araujo S.J.
Abortion, Religion, and the Accusation of Establishment: A Critique of Justice Stevens’ Opinions in Thornburgh, Webster, and Casey, John M. Breen
The U.S. as Tax Haven? Aiding Developing Countries by Revoking the Revenue Rule, Samuel D. Brunson
Schooling the Supreme Court, Christine Chabot
Incorporating the Third Party Beneficiary Principle in Natural Resource Contracts, James T. Gathii
Mexican Law and Legal Research, Julienne Grant, Jonathan Pratter, Bianca Anderson, Marisol Floren-Romero, Jootaek Lee, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Teresa Miguel-Stearns, and Sergio Stone
Montana’s Rural Version of the School-to-Prison Pipeline: School Discipline and Tragedy on American Indian Reservations, Melina A. Healey
Drugged Out: How Cognitive Bias Hurts Drug Innovation, Cynthia M. Ho
Should All Drugs Be Patentable?: A Comparative Perspective, Cynthia M. Ho
Rule 10b-5 Private Securities Fraud Litigation, Michael J. Kaufman
Leave Time for Trouble: The Limitations Periods Under the Federal Securities Laws, Michael J. Kaufman and John M. Wunderlich
Seeking Solutions to Financial History Discrimination, Lea Krivinskas Shepard
Tax Consequences of Contingent Payment Transactions, Jeffrey L. Kwall
Arbitration/Litigation Interface: The European Debate, Margaret L. Moses
Janus Capital Group, Inc. v. First Derivative Traders: The Culmination of the Supreme Court’s Evolution from Liberal to Reactionary in Rule 10b-5 Actions, Charles W. Murdock
The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act and Particularity: Why Are Some Courts in an Alternate Universe?, Charles W. Murdock
Racial Templates, Juan F. Perea and Richard Delgado
The Virtues of Private Securities Litigation: An Historic and Macroeconomic Perspective, Steven A. Ramirez
Notarized Wills, Anne-Marie E. Rhodes
A New Life for Wrongful Living, Nadia N. Sawicki