Articles, papers, presentations, and other materials authored by faculty from the School of Law at Loyola University Chicago.
Publications from 2007
The Story of Alcoa: The Enduring Questions of Market Power, Conduct, and Remedy in Monopolization Cases, in Antitrust Stories, Spencer Weber Waller
Publications from 2006
September Eleventh, A Citizen’s Responses (Continued)., George Anastaplo
Combating Those Ugly Medical Errors – It’s Time for a Hospital Regulatory Makeover, John D. Blum
Efficiencies in Health Care Regulation: Observations Near and Far., John D. Blum
Never Get Out’a the Boat: Stenberg v. Carhart and the Future of American Law., John M. Breen
The Catholic Lawyer: “Faith” in Three Parts., John M. Breen
Commerce, Conquest, and Wartime Confiscation, James T. Gathii
Exporting Culture Wars, James T. Gathii
Imperialism, Colonialism, and International Law, James T. Gathii
Minority Rights in Corporate Law: A Reply to Chander, James T. Gathii
The American Origins of Liberal and Illiberal Regimes of International Economic Governance in the Marshall Court, James T. Gathii
The Sanctity of Sovereign Loan Contracts and Its Origins in Enforcement Litigation, James T. Gathii
Biopiracy and Beyond: A Consideration of Socio-Cultural Conflicts with Global Patent Policies, Cynthia M. Ho
Nationalizing Ethical Standards for Securities Lawyers., Michael J. Kaufman
International Trade and U.S. Antitrust Law, J. Kessler and Alexander Tsesis
What is a Merger?: The Case for Taxing Cash Mergers Like Stock Sales., Jeffrey L. Kwall
Statutory Misconstruction: How the Supreme Court Created a Federal Arbitration Law Never Enacted by Congress, Margaret L. Moses
Parent Corporation Liability for Acts of Its Subsidiary, Charles Murdock
The Supreme Court’s Decisions in Arthur Andersen and Dura Pharmaceuticals, Charles W. Murdock
Recent Appellate Court Decisions on Eyewitness Identification., Jerry E. Norton
Endogenous Growth Theory, Status Quo Efficiency, and Globalization., Steven A. Ramirez
The Chaos of Smith., Steven A. Ramirez
When Does the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act of 1998 Preempt State Law Claims?, Steven A. Ramirez
Confrontation Clause and Testimonial Evidence: After Two Supreme Court Decisions, Standard Remains Unclear., Alan Raphael
On Art Theft, Tax, and Time: Triangulating Ownership Disputes Through the Tax Code, Anne M. Rhodes
Does Mission Matter?, Lawrence E. Singer
A Civil Rights Approach, Alexander Tsesis
Matsushita at 20: A Conference Introduction., Spencer Weber Waller
Microsoft and Trinko: A Tale of Two Courts., Spencer Weber Waller
Towards a Constructive Public-Private Partnership to Enforce Competition Law., Spencer Weber Waller
Publications from 2005
Justice, the Liberal Arts, and Some Basic Training for Lawyers, George Anastaplo
Beyond the Bylaws: Hospital-Physician Relationships, Economics, and Conflicting Agendas, John D. Blum
Is Justice for One Justice for All? The Dilemma of Public Health Enforcement in an Interconnected World, John D. Blum
Justice and Jesuit Legal Education: A Critique, John M. Breen
Class Action Settlements: An Opt-in Proposal, John Bronsteen
Swimming Upstream Against the Great Adoption Tide: Making the Case for “Impermanence,”, Sacha M. Coupet
Assessing Claims of a New Doctrine of Pre-emptive War Under the Doctrine of Sources, James T. Gathii
Foreign Precedents in the Federal Judiciary: The Case of the World Trade Organization’s DSB Decisions, James T. Gathii
How American Support for Freedom of Commerce Legitimized King Leopold’s Territorial Ambitions in the Congo, James T. Gathii
How Necessity May Preclude State Responsibility for Compulsory Licensing Under the TRIPS Agreement, James T. Gathii
International Justice and the Trading Regime, James T. Gathii
Wartime Security and Constitutional Liberty, James T. Gathii
Do Patents Promote the Progress of Justice?: Reflections on Varied Visions of Justice, Cynthia M. Ho
Inoculation Inventions: The Interplay of Infringement and Immunity in the Development of Biodefense Vaccines, Cynthia M. Ho
At a Loss: Congress, the Supreme Court and Causation Under Federal Securities Law, Michael J. Kaufman
Beyond Presumptions and Peafowl: Reconciling the Legal Principle of Equality with the Pedagogical Benefits of Gender Differentiation, Michael J. Kaufman
Rhetorical Questions Concerning Justice and Equality in Educational Opportunities, Michael J. Kaufman
‘Don’t File!’: Rehabilitating Unauthorized Practice of Law-Based Policies in the Credit Counseling Industry, Lea Krivinskas Shepard
Justice: The Impact of a Lawyer's Personal Philosophy, Jeffrey L. Kwall
Justice and Truth in Political Discourse, John L. McCormack
Letters of Credit and the Insolvent Applicant: A Recipe for Bad Faith Dishonor, Margaret L. Moses
Privatized Justice, Margaret L. Moses
Fairness and Good Faith as a Precept in the Law of Corporations and Other Business Organizations, Charles W. Murdock
Liberty: A Human Right, or a Citizen Right, Jerry E. Norton
The Sui Generis Infallible Sniffing Dog and Other Legal Fictions: Illinois vs. Caballes, Jerry E. Norton
Rethinking the Corporation (and Race) in America: Can Law (and Professionalization) Fix “Minor” Problems of Externalization, Internalization, and Governance?, Steven A. Ramirez
Affirmative Action and Admissions at a Jesuit Law School, Alan Raphael
Criminal Procedure: From Bail to Jail, 2005, Alan Raphael
Retrospective on Justice and the Poor in the United States in the Twentieth Century, Henry Rose
Messages from Strasbourg: Lessons for American Courts from the Highest Volume Human Rights Court in the World - The European Court of Human Rights, Allen E. Shoenberger
Muzzling and Caging Administrative Law Judges: The Social Security Administration Attempts to Control its Most “Notorious” Employees, Allen E. Shoenberger
The European View of American Justice, Allen E. Shoenberger
Gloria Jean Ate Catfood Tonight: Justice and the Social Compact for Health Care in America, Lawrence E. Singer
In Search of Economic Justice: Considering Competition and Consumer Protection Law, Spencer Weber Waller
Thurman Arnold: A Biography, Spencer Weber Waller
Reforming the Federal Sentencing Guidelines’ Misguided Approach to Real-Offense Sentencing, David N. Yellen
Saving Federal Sentencing Reform After Apprendi, Blakely and Booker, David N. Yellen
The New Discrimination Law: Price Waterhouse is Dead, Whither McDonnell Douglas?, Michael J. Zimmer
Publications from 2004
On Trial: From Adam & Eve to O.J. Simpson, George Anastaplo
Feng Shui and the Restructuring of the Hospital Corporation: A Call for Change in the Face of the Medical Error Epidemic, John D. Blum
Too Strange To Be Just Fiction: Legal Lessons from a Bioterrorist Simulation, the Case of Topoff 2, John D. Blum
Talking Pop-ups Seriously: The Jurisprudence of the Infield Fly Rule, Neil B. Cohen and Spencer Weber Waller
Foreign and Other Economic Rights Upon Conquest and Under Occupation: Iraq in Comparative and Historical Context, James T. Gathii
Insulating Domestic Policy Through International Legal Minimalism: A Re-Characterization of the Foreign Affairs Trade Doctrine, James T. Gathii
Process and Substance in WTO Reform, James T. Gathii
The 2004 International Law Review Symposium on the Free Trade Area of the Americas: Implications of a Hemispheric Marketplace, Thomas M. Haney
Interdisciplinary Teaching and Collaboration in Higher Education: A Concept Whose Time Has Come, Carol Harding and Anita Weinberg
Promoting Women's Access to Politics and Decision Making: the role of TGNP and other advocacy groups in the 2000 General elections., Miranda Johnson and Aggripina Mosha
Can Parties Tell Court What to Do? Expanded Judicial Review of Arbitral Awards, Margaret L. Moses
Squeeze-outs, Freeze-outs and Discounts: Why Is Illinois in the Minority in Protecting Shareholder Interests?, Charles W. Murdock
Why Not Tell the Truth?, Charles W. Murdock
Bearing the Costs of Racial Inequality: Brown and the Myth of the Equality/Efficiency Trade-Off, Steven A. Ramirez
Games CEOs Play and Interest Convergence Theory: Why Diversity Lags in America’s Boardrooms and What to Do About It, Steven A. Ramirez
What We Teach When We Teach About Race: The Problem of Law and Pseudo-Economics, Steven A. Ramirez
A tribute to Larry Kalevitch, Man for All Seasons, Differences in Professional School Cohorts in Law, Medicine, Business, Nursing and Education, Allen E. Shoenberger
Furthering American Freedom: Civil Rights & the Thirteenth Amendment, Alexander Tsesis
Regulating Intimidating Speech, Alexander Tsesis
The Antitrust Legacy of Thurman Arnold, Spencer Weber Waller
The Antitrust Legacy of Thurman Arnold, Spencer Weber Waller
The Future of Private Rights of Action in Antitrust: A Conference Introduction, Spencer Weber Waller
Brown v. Board of Education Fifty Years Later: What Makes for Greatness in a Legal Opinion?, Neil G. Williams
Publications from 2003
Constitutionalism and the Good: Explorations, George Anastaplo
Law, Judges and the Principles of Regimes: Explorations, George Anastaplo
Loyal Opposition in a Modern Democracy, George Anastaplo
The Class Action Rule, John Bronsteen and Owen Fiss