Articles, papers, presentations, and other materials authored by faculty from the School of Law at Loyola University Chicago.
Publications from 2014
Compelling Images: The Constitutionality of Emotionally Persuasive Health Campaigns, Nadia N. Sawicki
Careers in Health Law, Lawrence E. Singer, Megan Bess, and Kristin Finn
In This, the Winter of Our Discontent: Legal Practice, Legal Education, and the Culture of Distrust, Barry Sullivan
The Right to Erasure: Privacy, Data Brokers, and the Indefinite Retention of Data, Alexander Tsesis
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991: Adapting Consumer Protection to Changing Technology, Spencer Weber Waller
Hiding the Statute in Plain View: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar, Michael J. Zimmer
Title VII’s Last Harrah: Can Discrimination Be Plausibly Pled?, Michael J. Zimmer
Employment Discrimination: Law & Practice, 4th ed. Supplement, Michael J. Zimmer, Charles A. Sullivan, and Rebecca Hanner White
Publications from 2013
Reflections on Religion, the Divine, and the Constitution, George Anastaplo
A Trinity of Viewpoints on the Moral Perspective in the Public Square: Murray, Kennedy, and Cuomo, Robert J. Araujo S.J.
Adaptive Clinical Teaching, Emily Benfer and Coleen F. Shanahan
Educating the Invincibles: Strategies for Teaching the Millennial Generation in Law School, Emily Benfer and Colleen F. Shanahan
The Naprapath in the Rainforest, John D. Blum
Well-Being Analysis vs. Cost-Benefit Analysis, John Bronsteen, Christopher Buccafusco, and Jonathan S. Masur
Mutual Funds, Fairness, and the Income Gap, Samuel D. Brunson
Taxing Polygamy, Samuel D. Brunson
Watching the Watchers: Preventing I.R.S. Abuse of the Tax System,, Samuel D. Brunson
The AAML Child Custody Evaluation Standards: Bridging Two Worlds, Child Custody Evaluation Standards, Sacha M. Coupet
What Price Liberty: The Search for Equality for Kinship-Caregiving Families, Sacha M. Coupet
League Structure & Stadium Rent Seeking —the Antitrust Role Reconsidered, Haddock David, Jacobi Tonja, and Matthew Sag
Antitrust’s Democracy Deficit, Harry First and Spencer Weber Waller
Beyond China’s Human Rights Exceptionalism in Africa: Leveraging Science, Technology and Engineering for Long-Term Growth, James T. Gathii
Mission Creep or a Search for Relevance: The East African Court of Justice’s Human Rights Strategy, James T. Gathii
Undocumented Children and Families in America: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Challenges and Emerging Opportunities, Diane C. Geraghty
The School-to-Prison Pipeline Tragedy on Montana’s American Indian Reservations, Melina A. Healey
A Mystery Statute Approach: How to Teach and Test the Legal Skill of Statutory Interpretation, Cynthia M. Ho
Behavioral Economics and Investor Protection, Michael J. Kaufman
Illinois Civil Trial Procedure, Michael J. Kaufman
Learning Civil Procedure, Michael J. Kaufman, Steven Baicker-McKee, David Herr, Jeffrey Stempel, and Brooke Coleman
Education Law, Policy, and Practice: cases and materials, Michael J. Kaufman and Sherelyn R. Kaufman
Credit Default Swaps: Dubious Instruments, Charles W. Murdock
The Big Banks: Background, Deregulation, Financial Innovation, and ‘Too Big to Fail,’, Charles W. Murdock
What Kahneman Means for Lawyers: Some Reflections on Thinking, Fast and Slow, Charles W. Murdock and Barry Sullivan
Lawless Capitalism: the Subprime Crisis and the case for an economic rule of law, Steven A. Ramirez
Valuing Art in an Estate: New Concerns, Anne-Marie E. Rhodes
The Constitutionality of Government Fees as Applied to the Poor, Henry Rose
The United States Constitutional History through the Barristers and Political Theories of the Middle Temple Inn of Court, Allen E. Shoenberger
Forward Special Edition: “Innovations in Public Health Law: Exploring New Strategies”, Lawrence E. Singer
Law and Discretion in the Supreme Court: A response to Professor Lubet, Barry Sullivan
Cases and Materials on employment discrimination, 8th ed., Charles A. Sullivan, Rebecca Hanner White, and Michael J. Zimmer
Footholds of Constitutional Interpretation, Alexander Tsesis
Inflammatory Speech: Outrage Versus Intimidation, Alexander Tsesis
Maxim Constitutionalism: Liberal Equality for the Common Good, Alexander Tsesis
The Impact of Rankings and Rules on Legal Education Reform, David N. Yellen
Binders Full of Women & Closing the Gap, Michael J. Zimmer
Inequality, Individualized Risk & Insecurity, Michael J. Zimmer
Is the Antidiscrimination Project Being Ended?, Michael J. Zimmer
Publications from 2012
Symposium: Theory and Praxis in Reducing Women’s Poverty, Annette Appell, Emily Benfer, and Davida Finger
A Natural Law Approach to an Issue of the Day: A Critique of the (Equality) Justification for Same Sex Marriage, Robert J. Araujo S.J.
Foreign Sovereign Immunity and the Holy See, Robert J. Araujo S.J.
Our Debt to de Vitoria: A Catholic Foundation of Human Rights, Robert J. Araujo S.J.
The Holy See: International Person and Sovereign, Robert J. Araujo S.J.
Health Justice Project: A Collaborative Commitment to Solving Real World Problems, Emily Benfer
Advancing Health Law & Social Justice in the Clinic, the Classroom and the Community, Emily Benfer, John Ammann, Lisa Bliss, Sylvia Caley, Robert Pettignano, and Elizabeth Tobin Tyler
North American Border Wars: The Role of Canadian and American Scholarship in U.S. Labor Law Reform Debates, Susan Bisom-Rapp and Michael J. Zimmer
Medicaid Governance in the Wake of National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius: Finding Federalism's Middle Pathway, from Administrative Law to State Compacts., John D. Blum and Gayland O. Hethcoat II
Repatriating Tax-Exempt Investments: Tax Havens, Blocker Corporations, and Unrelated Debt-Financed Income., Samuel D. Brunson
Beyond “Eros:” Relative Caregiving, “Agape” Parentage, and the Best Interests of Children., Sacha M. Coupet
Use of Dominance, Unlawful Conduct, and Causation under Section 36 of the New Zealand Commerce Act: A US Perspective, Jeffrey M. Cross, J. Douglas Richards, Maurice E. Stucke, and Spencer Weber Waller
Targeted Killing, Human Rights and Ungoverned Spaces: Considering Territorial State Human Rights Obligations, John C. Dehn
Curtailing Ecosystem Exportation: Ecosystem Services As a Basis to Reconsider the Merits of Export-Driven Agriculture in Economies Highly Dependent on Agricultural Exports, James T. Gathii and Keith H. Hirokawa
LGBT Issues in Public Schools: A legal perspective, Kathleen Hirsman
Expert Witnesses: Securities Cases, 2012-2013., Michael J. Kaufman
Fraud Created the Market., Michael J. Kaufman
Messy Mental Markers: Inferring Scienter from Core Operations in Securities Fraud Litigation., Michael J. Kaufman
Securities Litigation Damages, Volumes 26 and 26A, Michael J. Kaufman
Summary Pre-judgment: The Supreme Court's Profound, Pervasive and Problematic Presumption about Human Behavior., Michael J. Kaufman
The Judicial Access Barriers to Remedies For Securities Fraud., Michael J. Kaufman
Toward a Stronger Financial History Antidiscrimination Norm., Lea Krivinskas Shepard
The Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, and Their Owners, 4th ed., Jeffrey L. Kwall
Ethics in International Arbitration: Traps for the Unwary, Margaret L. Moses
Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, 2d ed., Margaret L. Moses
Redoing the Statutory Scheme by Rule-Making, Charles W. Murdock
Treatise on Constitutional Law: substance and procedure, 5th ed., John E. Nowak and Ronald D. Rotunda
In Defense of the GSES, Steven A. Ramirez
Criminal Procedure: From Bail to Jail, 2012, Alan Raphael
Art Law & Transactions: Teacher's Manual, Anne-Marie E. Rhodes
An Information-Gathering Approach to Copyright Policy, Matthew Sag
Orphan Works As Grist for the Data Mill, Matthew Sag
Predicting Fair Use, Matthew Sag
Informed Consent Beyond the Physician-Patient Encounter: Tort Law Implications of Extra-Clinical Decision Support Tools., Nadia N. Sawicki
Patient Protection and Decision Aid Quality: Regulatory and Tort Law Approaches, Nadia N. Sawicki
The Hollow Promise of Freedom of Conscience, Nadia N. Sawicki
Loyola Law School, State Secrets, the American Revolution, the War of 1812: The Maritime Connections of the Middle Temple, Allen E. Shoenberger
FOIA the First Amendment: Representative Democracy and the People’s Exclusive “Right to Know”, Barry Sullivan
For Liberty and Equality: The Life and Times of the Declaration of Independence, Alexander Tsesis
Gender Subordination and the Thirteenth Amendment, Alexander Tsesis
Into the Light of Day: Relevance of the Thirteenth Amendment to Contemporary Law, Alexander Tsesis
Self-Government and the Declaration of Independence, Alexander Tsesis
Antitrust and Social Networking, Spencer Weber Waller
An Introduction to Child Trafficking in the United States, Katherine Kaufka Walts
Taking and Perfecting Security Interests in Collateral Subject to Specialized Rules: Deposit Accounts, Commercial Tort Claims, Intellectual Property, Steven O. Weise and Neil G. Williams
The Global Workplace: International and Comparative Employment Law, 2nd ed., Michael J. Zimmer
Wal-Mart v. Dukes: Taking the Protection Out of Protected Classes., Michael J. Zimmer
Publications from 2011
Why the Jews?, George Anastaplo
Are Christians Fit to Be Parents and Guardians—The Case of Johns v. Derby City Council, Robert J. Araujo S.J.
John Courtney Murray S.J.: A Model of Engagement., Robert J. Araujo S.J.
Reforming Health Reform: Revisiting the Process of Governance, John D. Blum
Advocating for Children in Care in a Climate of Economic Recession: The Relationship Between Poverty and Child Maltreatment., Bruce A. Boyer and Amy E. Halbrook