Articles, papers, presentations, and other materials authored by faculty from the School of Law at Loyola University Chicago.
Publications from 2012
Art Law & Transactions: Teacher's Manual, Anne-Marie E. Rhodes
An Information-Gathering Approach to Copyright Policy, Matthew Sag
Orphan Works As Grist for the Data Mill, Matthew Sag
Predicting Fair Use, Matthew Sag
Informed Consent Beyond the Physician-Patient Encounter: Tort Law Implications of Extra-Clinical Decision Support Tools., Nadia N. Sawicki
Patient Protection and Decision Aid Quality: Regulatory and Tort Law Approaches, Nadia N. Sawicki
The Hollow Promise of Freedom of Conscience, Nadia N. Sawicki
Loyola Law School, State Secrets, the American Revolution, the War of 1812: The Maritime Connections of the Middle Temple, Allen E. Shoenberger
FOIA the First Amendment: Representative Democracy and the People’s Exclusive “Right to Know”, Barry Sullivan
For Liberty and Equality: The Life and Times of the Declaration of Independence, Alexander Tsesis
Gender Subordination and the Thirteenth Amendment, Alexander Tsesis
Into the Light of Day: Relevance of the Thirteenth Amendment to Contemporary Law, Alexander Tsesis
Self-Government and the Declaration of Independence, Alexander Tsesis
Antitrust and Social Networking, Spencer Weber Waller
Taking and Perfecting Security Interests in Collateral Subject to Specialized Rules: Deposit Accounts, Commercial Tort Claims, Intellectual Property, Steven O. Weise and Neil G. Williams
The Global Workplace: International and Comparative Employment Law, 2nd ed., Michael J. Zimmer
Wal-Mart v. Dukes: Taking the Protection Out of Protected Classes., Michael J. Zimmer
Publications from 2011
Why the Jews?, George Anastaplo
Are Christians Fit to Be Parents and Guardians—The Case of Johns v. Derby City Council, Robert J. Araujo S.J.
John Courtney Murray S.J.: A Model of Engagement., Robert J. Araujo S.J.
Reforming Health Reform: Revisiting the Process of Governance, John D. Blum
Advocating for Children in Care in a Climate of Economic Recession: The Relationship Between Poverty and Child Maltreatment., Bruce A. Boyer and Amy E. Halbrook
Religion and the Purification of Reason: Why the Liberal State Requires More Than Simple Tolerance., John M. Breen
The Road Not Taken: Catholic Legal Education at the Middle of the Twentieth Century., John M. Breen
Grown-Up Income Shifting: Yesterday's Kiddie Tax Is Not Enough., Samuel Brunson
Reigning in Charities: Using an Intermediate Penalty to Enforce the Campaigning Prohibition., Samuel Brunson
The Commander-in-Chief and the Necessities of War: A Conceptual Framework, John C. Dehn
Targeted Killing: The Case of Anwar Al-Aulaqi, John C. Dehn and Kevin Jon Heller
African Regional Trade Agreements as Legal Regimes, James T. Gathii
Failing Failed States: A Response to John Yoo, James T. Gathii
Food Sovereignty for Poor Countries in the Global Trading System, James T. Gathii
Kenya’s Long Anti-Corruption Agenda: 1952-2010: Prospects and Challenges of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission Under the 2010 Constitution, James T. Gathii
The NeoLiberal Turn in Regional Trade Agreements, James T. Gathii
TWAIL: A Brief History of Its Origins, Its Decentralized Network, and a Tentative Bibliography, James T. Gathii
Child Friendly Legal Aid in Africa, Diane C. Geraghty and Thomas F. Geraghty
Access to Medicine in the Global Economy: International Agreements on Patents and Related Rights, Cynthia M. Ho
Global Access to Medicine: The Influence of Competing Perspectives., Cynthia M. Ho
Depositions: Law, Strategy, and Technique, Michael J. Kaufman
Expert Witnesses: Securities Cases, Michael J. Kaufman
Section 16(b) and its Limitations Period: the Case for Equitable Tolling., Michael J. Kaufman
Securities Litigation: Damages, Michael J. Kaufman
Toward a Just Measure of Repose: The Statute of Limitations for Securities Fraud., Michael J. Kaufman
Creditors’ Contempt., Lea Krivinskas Shepard
Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies and Their Owners, 3d ed., Jeffrey L. Kwall
When Should Asset Appreciation Be Taxed?: The Case for a Disposition Standard of Realization., Jeffrey L. Kwall
FUNDAMENTALS OF MODERN PROPERTY LAW, 6th ed., Jeffrey L. Kwall and Edward H. Rabin
Civil Procedure Before Trial, 2d ed., Richard A. Michael
Beyond Judicial Activism: When the Supreme Court is No Longer a Court., Margaret L. Moses
The Dodd- Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: What Caused the Financial Crisis and Will Dodd-Frank Succeed in Preventing Future Crises?, Charles W. Murdock
Dodd-Frank as Maginot Line., Steven A. Ramirez
Taking Economic Human Rights Seriously After the Debt Crisis., Steven A. Ramirez
Art Law & Transactions, Anne-Marie E. Rhodes
The Due Process Rights of Residential Tenants in Mortgage Foreclosure Cases., Henry Rose
The Pre-History of Fair Use., Matthew Sag
The Abortion Informed Consent Debate: More Light, Less Heat., Nadia N. Sawicki
New Illinois Rules of Evidence, Allen E. Shoenberger
The Executive’s Authority over Enemy Combatants: Due Process and Its Limits., Barry Sullivan
The Humanity of Advocacy, Barry Sullivan
Congressional Authority to Interpret the Thirteenth Amendment., Alexander Tsesis
Due Process in Civil Commitments., Alexander Tsesis
Antitrust and American Business Abroad, Spencer Weber Waller
Corporate Governance and Competition Policy., Spencer Weber Waller
Two Men and Twenty Years of Meetings: Norman Amaker, Derrick Bell, and the Midwestern People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference from 1990-2010., Neil G. Williams
Employment Discrimination: Selected Cases & Statutes 7th edition, Michael J. Zimmer
Unions & the Great Recession: Is Transnationalism the Answer?, Michael J. Zimmer
Publications from 2010
Abraham Lincoln, Lawyers, and the Civil War: Bicentennial Explorations., George Anastaplo
September Eleventh, A Citizen’s Responses (Continued): Introduction., George Anastaplo
Natural Law and the Rights of the Family, Robert J. Araujo S.J.
Papal Diplomacy and the Quest for Peace: the United Nations from Pius XII to Paul VI, Robert J. Araujo S.J. and John A. Lucal S.J.
Bending the Arc, Emily Benfer
The Redefined Hero: Discovering Champions of Social Change, Emily Benfer
Finding a New Regulatory Pathway for the Old Labyrinth of Health Planning., John D. Blum
The Quagmire of Hospital Governance., John D. Blum
Variables of Health Reform and Their Impacts on the Elderly., John D. Blum
Love, Truth and the Economy: A Reflection on Benedict XVI's Caritas in Veritate, John M. Breen
The Golden Age That Never Was: Catholic Law Schools From 1930-1960 and the Question of Identity, John M. Breen
Retribution and the Experience of Punishment., John Bronsteen
Well-Being Analysis, John Bronsteen
Welfare as Happiness, John Bronsteen, Christopher Buccafusco, and Jonathan S. Masur
Taxing Investment Fund Managers Using a Simplified Mark-to-Market Approach., Samuel Brunson
Ain't I a Parent?: Exclusion of Kinship Caregivers from the Debate over Expansions of Parenthood., Sacha M. Coupet
African Regional Trade Agreements as Flexible Legal Regimes, James T. Gathii
Introduction: GATS and Human Rights, James T. Gathii
Kenya’s Piracy Prosecutions, James T. Gathii
The Financial Action Task Force and Global Administrative Law, James T. Gathii
The Under-Appreciated Jurisprudence of African Regional Trade Judiciaries, James T. Gathii
The Use of Force, Freedom of Commerce, and Double Standards in Prosecuting Pirates in Kenya, James T. Gathii
The first 100 years: The Centennial history of Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Thomas M. Haney
Regressing: The Troubling Dispositive Role of Event Studies in Securities Fraud Litigation., Michael J. Kaufman
Resolving the Continuing Controversy Regarding Confidential Informants in Private Securities Fraud Litigation., Michael J. Kaufman
The Unjustified Judicial Creation of Class Certification Merits Trials in Securities Fraud Actions, Michael J. Kaufman
The Use of Experts in Securities Fraud Cases, Michael J. Kaufman
Arbitration Law: Who's in Charge?"., Margaret L. Moses
The Pretext of Textualism: Disregarding Stare Decisis in 14 Penn Plaza v. Pyett, Margaret L. Moses
Business Organizations, 2nd ed., Charles W. Murdock
Why Not Tell the Truth: Deceptive Practices and the Financial Meltdown., Charles W. Murdock