Volume 6, Issue 1 (1997)
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Annals of Health Law
Interpreting the 1996 Federal Antitrust Guidelines for Physician Joint Venture Networks
Edward Hirshfeld
The Brave New World of Health Care Compliance Programs
Thomas E. Bartrum and L. Edward Bryant Jr.
Mixing Oil and Water: The Government's Mistaken Use of the Medicare Anti-Kickback Statute in False Claims Act Prosecutions
Robert Salcido
The Government's Use of the Civil False Claims Act to Enforce Standards of Quality of Care: Integrity or the Heavy Hand of the 800-Pound Gorilla
Michael M. Mustokoff, Jody A. Werner, and Michael S. Yecies
The Role of the Federal Government in Ensuring Quality of Care in Long-Term Care Facilities
David R. Hoffman
Post-Decision Diagnosis: Medical Device Preemption Alive and Mostly Well after Medtronic, Inc. v. Lohr
Scott W. Sayler and Steven M. Thomas