Volume 3, Issue 1 (1994)
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Annals of Health Law
Antitrust Enforcement Encourages Health Care Providers to Cooperate Procompetitively
David Marx Jr. and Christopher M. Murphy
Medicare and Medicaid False Claims: Prohibitions and Sanctions
Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Judicial Review of Medicaid Hospital and Nursing Home Reimbursement Methodologies under the Boren Amendment
John M. Burman
The Case for Physician Direction in Health Plans
Edward Hirshfeld
Comparative Health Law
Annals of Health Law
Medical Malpractice and Physician Accountability: Trends in the Courts and Legistlative Responses
Theodore R. LeBlang
Effcacious or Precocious? Comments on the Processing and Resolution of Medical Malpractice Claims in the United States
Catherine S. Meschievitz
Exponential Change: Today Is Already Tomorrow
Jack R. London
The Efficacy of the Medical Malpractice System: A Canadian Perspective
Gerald B. Robertson
Overview of Medical Malpractice Law in Canada
Joan M. Gilmour
Economic Aspects of Medical Negligence in the Context of the National Health Service in Britain
Stephen L. Heasell
An Evalution of the Danish No-Fault System for Compensating Medical Injuries
Annals of Health Law Ulrich