Volume 22, Issue 2 (Special Edition 2013)
Prefatory Matter
Intervening at the Right Point in the Causal Pathways: Law, Policy, and the Devastating Impact of Pain Across the Globe
Daniel s. Goldberg
Complementarity in Public Health Systems: Using Redundancy as a Tool of Public Health Governance
Lance Gable and Benjamin Mason Meier
Making a Positive Impact: Striking a Balance Between Legislative Reach and Road Safety
Diana M. Bowman, Michael P. Fitzharris, and Ray Bingham
Federal Funds for Syringe Exchange Programs: A Necessary Component Toward Achieving an AIDS-Free Generation
Rachel Hulkower and Leslie E. Wolf
Clarifying Liability for After-Hours Community Use of School Recreational Facilities
John O. Spengler, Natasha Frost, Daniel P. Connaughton, and J David Prince
Local Governments and the Food System: Innovative Approaches to Public Health Law and Policy
Lanie Rutkow, Jennifer L. Pomeranz, and Sarah O. Rodman
Prosecutions of Pharmaceutical Companies for Off-Label Marketing: Fueled By Government's Desire to Modify Corporate Conduct or Pursuit of a Lucrative Revenue Stream?
Lise T. Spacapan and Jill M. Hutchison
Dear Doctor Letters: Lessons in Statutory Interpretation, Preemption, Proximate Causation, and Subsequent-Remedial Measures
James W. Huston, Ellen Nudelman Adler, and Joanna L. Simon