Volume 13, Issue 1 (Winter 2004)
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Annals of Health Law
"Just Say No!": The Right to Refuse Psychotropic Medication in Long-Term Care Facilities
George P. Smith II
An EMTALA Primer: The Impact of Changes in the Emergency Medicine Landscape on EMTALA Compliance and Enforcement
Tiana Mayere Lee
Considerations in Medicare Reform: The Impact of Medicare Preemption on State Laws
Michael J. Jackonis Jr.
Independent Medical Review: Expanding Legal Remedies to Achieve Managed Care Accountability
Leatrice Berman-Sandler
Comparing Ethics Education in Medicine and Law: Combining the Best of Both Worlds
Erin A. Egan, Kayhan Parsi, and Cynthia Ramirez