Summer 1976
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
Contribution and Indemnity Among Joint Tortfeasors in Illinois: A Need for Reform
Richard A. Michael and Nina S. Appel
Evening the Odds in Defamation - Troman v. Wood
Wayne B. Giampietro
When Does Influence Become Undue?
John J. Hogan
Choice of Law Under Article Nine of the UCC
Paul J. Petit
Economic Analysis and the Prudent Man Rule Under ERISA: Efficiency Versus the Public Interest
Timothy R. Garmager
The "Living Will" - An Individual's Exercise of His Rights of Privacy and Self-Determination
Margaret J. Orbon
Refining the Antitrust Immunity of Railroad Ratemaking: The Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976
William C. Sippel
Congress and the Court at Cross Purposes: Labor's Antitrust Exemption
Jacalyn J. Zimmerman