Winter 1976
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
Further Unraveling of Sears-Compco: Of Patches, Paladin and Laurel & (and) Hardy
Charles A. Laff and Larry L. Saret
The Constitutional Implications of Discovery Practice in Quasi-Criminal Prosecutions in Illinois
Elaine R. Selvan
Title VII: An Employer's View of Religious Discrimination Since the 1972 Amendment
Ramond J. Suberlak
Indicia of Consent? A Proposal for Change to the Common Law Rule Admitting Evidence of Rape Victim's Character for Chastity
James J. Wesolowski
Contractual Arbitration - Associated General Contractors v. Savin Brothers, Inc. - Judicial Review of An Arbitrator's Punitive Award
David M. Heller
Criminal Procedure - Exclusionary Rule - Brown v. Illinois, Miranda Warnings Do Not per se Attenuate the Taint of an Illegal Arrest
Mary Anne Mason