Summer 1974
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
The New Illinois Death Penalty: Double Constitutional Trouble
Mitchell E. Garner
A Dilemma in Springfield: The Scope and Limitations of the Governor's Amendatory Veto Power in Illinois
David W. Inlander
The Illinois Land Trust - Shroud with a Silver Lining?
Michael R. Lewis
New Life to the Dead Man's Act in Illinois
Adrienne D. Whitehead
Recent Developments in Tortfeasor Contribution in Illinois
Joseph S. Parisi
Extortion "Under Color of Official Right": Federal Prosecution of Official Corruption under the Hobbs Act
Laurel Gordon Sandler
The Price Discrimination Provisions of the Robinson-Patman Act: A Forthcoming Clarification of the Jurisdictional Requirements?
B. Douglas Stephens Jr.
The Involuntarily Confined Mental Patient and Informed Consent to Psychiatric Treatment
Timothy M. Sullivan
Toward Recognition of Nonsmokers' Rights in Illinois
Lynn F. Vuich
Trusts - Totten Trusts - Montgomery v. Michaels, Surviving Spouse Can Reach a Totten Account to the Extent Necessary to Meet the Statutory Share
Carlton Kevin McCrindle
Book Review