Winter 2017
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
International Investment Law’s Unending Legitimation Project
David Schneiderman
Politics, Reason, and the Trajectory of Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Charles H. Brower II
Crossfertilizing ISDS with TRIPS
Peter K. Yu
The Return of State Remedies in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Trends in Developing Countries
Sonia E. Rolland
The Incredible Shrinking Victory: Eli Lilly v. Canada, Success, Judicial Reversal, and Continuing Threats from Pharmaceutical ISDS
Brook K. Baker and Katrina Geddes
At the Intersection of Land Grievances and Legal Liability: The Need to Reconsider Contract Rights and Expectations at the Supranational Level
Kaitlin Y. Cordes, Lise Johnson, and Sam Szoke-Burke