Spring 2015 Fourth Annual Institute for Investor Protection Conference: The New Landscape of Securities Fraud Class Actions
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
Conference Essays & Remarks
Securities Litigation As A Window Into Supreme Court Litigation
Thomas Goldstein
Random Thoughts of a Federal District Judge
Shira A. Scheindlin Judge
Navigating Alternatives to Securities Fraud Class Actions: State Law and Opt-out Litigation
Jeffrey Paul Mahoney
Conference Articles
The Importance of Conducting Thorough Investigations of Confidential Witnesses in Securities Fraud Litigation
Leigh Handelman Smollar
Class-Action Tolling, Federal Common Law, and Securities Statutes of Repose: A Recommendation
Wendy Gerwick Couture
The Significance and Impact of Price Distortion and the Fraud-on-the-Market Theory after Halliburton II
Charles W. Murdock
Non-Conference Contributions
Rationing Environmental Law in a Time of Climate Change
Rachael E. Salcido
Going Retro: Abolition For All
Kevin Barry