Spring 2010
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
The (Un)Constitutionality of Section 632 of the Edge Act: An Analysis under Article III and Theories of Protective Jurisdiction
Elizabeth R. Sheyn
The Private Antitrust Remedy: Lessons from the American Experience
Edward D. Cavanagh
Symposium Articles
Designing Better Institutions to Enforce Competition Law: A Symposium Introduction
Spencer Weber Waller
When the Going Get Tight: Institutional Solutions when Antitrust Enforcement Resources are Scarce
Michal S. Gal
Designing Competition Law Institutions: Values, Structure, and Mandate
Michael J. Trebilcock and Edward M. Iacobucci
Antitrust and Institutions: Design and Change
Eleanor M. Fox
A Model of Antitrust Regulatory Strategy
Allan Fels
Reforming the Enforcement of the Japanese Antimonopoly Law
Mitsuo Matsushita
The Institutional Design of Canadian Competition Law: The Evolving Role of the Commissioner
Calvin S. Goldman and Navin Joneja