Spring 2007
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
Antitrust Governance: The New Wave of Antitrust
Yane Svetiev
Conference Articles
Matsushita at Twenty: A Conference Introduction
Spencer Weber Waller
Communication and Concerted Action
William H. Page
Comments on Professor Page's Discussion of Matsushita
T. Mark McLaughlin
The Legacy of Matsushita: The Role of Economics in Antitrust Litigation
Michael A. Salinger
The "Proper" - And by That I Mean Limited - Role for Economists in Price-Fixing Litigation
David Marx Jr.
Matsushita and the Role of Economists with Regard to Proof of Conspiracy
Daniel R. Schulman
Refining the Matsushita Standard and the Role Economics Can Play
James Langernfeld and James Morsch