Winter 1972
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
IN MEMORIAM - Judge John V. McCormick - Dean Emeritus, Loyola University School of Law, 1891-1971
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
Individual Legal Remedies Against Pollution in Illinois
Mary Lee Leahy
Administrative, Judicial and Natural Systems: Agency Response to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
Richard Alan Liroff
Child Welfare Reform: The Impossible Takes Longer in Illinois
Clara Ann Bowler
Excessive Entaglements: A New Dimension to the Parochial Aid Controversy Under the First Amendment
Terence T. O'Meara
The Abolition of Dower: An Occasion for Re-Examining the Surviving Spouse's Rights in Illinois
Ann Ellen Acker
Non-Tenure Teachers: Procedural Rights Upon Dimissal
Brian S. Hucker
Case Comments
Conflict of Laws - A Federal Court, Sitting in Diversity, Held Not Bound by Conflict of Laws Rules of the Forum State When a False Conflict is Found to Exist
Louis M. Rundio Jr.
International Law - The Interaction of the Hickenlooper Amendment and Bernstein Exception With the Act of State Doctrine
Diane C. Lotko