Spring 1996
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
Mend It, Bend It, and Extend It: The Fate of Traditional Law School Methodology in the 21st Century
Ruta K. Stropus
The Primary Profit Objective Test: An Unworkable Standard?
Michelle B. O'Connor
Rite-Hite Corp. v. Kelly Co.: The Federal Circuit Awards Damages for Harm Done to a Patent Not in Suit
Lisa C. Childs
Florida Bar v. Went For It, Inc.: Restricting Attorney Advertising to Preserve the Image of the Legal Profession
Jodi Vanderwater
The Battle over Medical Device Regulation: Do the Federal Medical Device Amendments Preempt State Tort Law Claims?
Anne-Marie Dega
Conference Articles
Capital Punishment: Is There Any Habeas Left in This Corpus?
Ronald J. Tabak, Stephen B. Bright, Susan Getzendanner, Scharlette Holdman, Andrea Lyon, E. Michael McCann, Michael Place Rev., Andrew L. Sonner, Jeffrey Urdangen, and Larry Yackle