Summer 1990 Health Law Symposium
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Law Journal
Ex Parte Contracts Between Plaintiff's Physician and Defense Attorneys: Protecting the Patient-Litigant's Right to a Fair Trial
Philip H. Corboy
Mandatory Testing of Hospital Employees Exposed to the AIDS Virus: Need to Know or Unwarranted Invasion of Privacy?
Donald J. McNeil and Laurie A. Spieler
Long-Term Health Care Insurance Challenges: Meeting the Needs of an Aging Population
Angela S. Curran
The NLRB's Proposed Rule for the Determination of Health Care Bargaining Units: Is the AHA Barking Up the Wrong Tree?
Brenda Murphy
Liability Issues Arising from Hospitals' Use of Temporary Supplemental Staff Nurses
Diana L. Nolte Huff
Antitrust Challenges to Nonprofit Hospital Mergers Under Section 7 of the Clayton Act
Paul A. Jorissen
Case Notes