Fall 1987
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
The McMahon Mandate: Compulsory Arbitration of Securities and RICO Claims
Stephen P. Bedell, Lolla M. Harrison, and Stuart C. Harvey Jr.
The Epidemic of Prosecutorial Courtroom Misconduct in Illinois: Is It Time to Start Prosecuting the Prosecutors?
Edward M. Genson and Marc W. Martin
Church and State: Explorations
George Anastaplo
A New Proposal: Buyer Notification Under U.C.C. Section 9-307(1) Based on the Food Security Act of 1985
Thomas Stilp
Case Note
The Well-Founded Fear of Persecution Standard in Asylum Proceedings: The Promise of Solace for Refugees after INS v. Cardoza-Fonseca
Michael E. Yates