Fall 1982
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
The Proportionality Test in Section 1988 Fee Awards
Edward T. Stein and Linda E. Fisher
The Demise of Civil Nuisance Actions in Obscenity Control
Rosalee C. Gorman
Unrecorded Oral Testimony in Support of a Search Warrant: Is It Admissible? Is It Advisable?
Paul Benjamin Linton
Contributory Infringement Liability in Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Sony Corp.: "The One and Only" Pays for Our Sins
Thomas J. Branit
International Copyright Law Applied to Computer Programs in the United States and France
Marie Francoise Gilbert
United States v. Ross: The Supreme Court Redefines the Scope of Warrantless Searches Under the Automobile Exception
Mary C. Gilhooly
Jewett v. Commissioner: Unforeseen Crisis of Disclaimers
Frances S. Glushakow-Smith