Summer 1982 Criminal Sentencing Symposium
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
Sentencing Provisions and Considerations in the Federal System
Stanley J. Roszkowski Honorable
The Prosecutor's Function in Sentencing
Dan K. Webb and Scott F. Turow
Federal Parole and Federal Sentencing: A Report on the Present and Some Thoughts for the Future
David J. Gottlieb
Bringing the Rule of Law to Criminal Sentencing: Judicial Review, Sentencing Guidelines and a Policy of Just Deserts
Peter A. Ozanne
Poetry and the Criminal Law: The Idea of Punishment in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
William T. Braithwaite
Capital Punishment and Crimes of Murder
Dorean M. Koenig
Commentary on Bullington v. Missouri
Richard Sindel
Sentencing Under the Federal Youth Corrections Act: When May a Youth Be Treated as an Adult?
Cynthia A. Kelly
Past Arrests and Perceived Perjury as Sentencing Factors in Illinois
Valerie J. Fisher
Criminal Sentencing in Antitrust Cases
Mary Patricia Kerns
Prosecutorial Vindictiveness and the Plea Bargaining Exception: Bordenkircher v. Hayes Four Years Later
Christine Schaack McGoey