Summer 1981 Tribute: William L. Lamey
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
Selected Evidence Problems in Illinois Will Contests
Joachim J. Brown
The Procedural Relationship Between Truth in Lending Disclosure Claims and Creditor Contract Claims
Sara Elwood Cook and Kasey W. Kincaid
Publicity and Privacy - Distinct Interests on the Misappropriation Continuum
Larry L. Saret and Martin L. Stern
The Dual Capacity Doctrine in Illinois
Richard H. Chapman
The Fraud on the Market Theory: A Unified Concept of Causation in Rule 10b-5 Open Market Actions
Jeanne F. Doyle
The Limitations of the Noerr-Pennington Doctrine as a Defense for Political Activity in Restraint of Trade
Diane MacArthur
Supplemental Workers' Compensation Awards and the Full Faith and Credit Clause: Thomas v. Washington Gas Light Co.
Edward J. McGillen
Principe v. McDonald's Corporation: The Separability Issue in Franchise Tying Arrangements
Sheri H. Mecklenburg
Contract Law: An Alternative to Tort Law as a Basis for Wrongful Discharge Actions in Illinois
Elizabeth Vranicar Tanis
William L. Lamey - Professor Emeritus - Retired June, 1979
Charles W. Murdock Dean
In Tribute to William L. Lamey
Charles R. Purcell
William Lamey: A Student's Reminiscence
Kathleen Corcoran Esposito