Volume 25, Issue 2-3 (2013)
Prefatory Material
Feature Articles
The Significance of the Distinction Between Children and Adults for Consumer Protection
M. Neil Browne and Lauren Biksacky
The Hand That Truly Rocks the Cradle: A Reprise of Infant Crib Safety, Lawsuits and Regulation from 2007-2012
Richard J. Hunter Jr. and Melissa A. Montuori
Hitting Calories Out of the Ballpark: An Examination of the FDA's New Menu Labeling Laws and Their Impact on Sports Spectatorship
Crystal T. Williams Esq. and Antonio S. Williams Ph.D.
Student Articles
Dodd-Frank 1073: Creating the Well-Informed Remittance Consumer
Michael J. Lorden
Misguided Regulation of Interchange Fees: The Consumer Impact of the Durbin Amendment
Patrick C. McGinnis
Consumer News