Content Posted in 2024
A Call for Better Abortion Data: Common Ground Amid Dobbs and the Abortion Debate, J. Jackson Hill
Access To Capital or Just More Blues? Issuer Decision-Making Post SEC Crowdfunding Regulation, Patricia Lee
A Law & Macroeconomics Critique of San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez, Steven A. Ramirez
And on the Third Wave: Using Intersectionality to Resurrect Heightened Scrutiny in Public Education Litigation, Chris Chambers Goodman
Arbitration as Seventh Amendment Waiver: A New Angle for Consumer Advocates?, Steven Becker
Are Illinois Courts Still Champions of Fiduciary Duties?, Charles W. Murdock and Michael Huiras
Be Careful What You Wish For: An Overreliance on Telemedicine Could Harm Health Equity, Chinelo Diké-Minor
Blank Space: The Legal Gray Area Created by Police Abuse of Copyright Law, Connor Druhan
Dark Patterns in Law and Economics Framework, Katri Nousiainen and Catalina Perdomo Ortega
Due Regard as the Prime Directive for Responsible Behavior in Space, Andrea J. Harrington
Eviction Abolition, Larisa G. Bowman
Expanding the Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants to Enhance Healthcare, Steve Waxman and James Dechene
Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecutions: "One Last Chance" or a False Promise?, Ari Seckler
Federal Courts on Mifepristone: How Do Healthcare Consumers Fare?, Jessica Antoni
Foreword, Kathryn Van Sistine
Foreword, Kathryn Van Sistine
Fraud and Abuse Law: Missed Opportunities to Enhance Health Equity, Joan H. Krause
From 1965 to 2023: How Allen v. Milligan Upheld the Voting Rights Act but Failed to Adapt to the Age of Computers, Rachel E. Dudley
Haaland v. Brackeen: The Decision That Threatened the Indian Child Welfare Act’s Protections of Native Families in Illinois, Kennedy Ray Fite
Healthcare Fraud and Abuse: Continued Lessons Learned from High Performing Healthcare Organizations, Julie L. Agris
Healthwashing: Corporate Communication Strategies in a Legal Gray Zone, Felix Delerm, Anna Galmiche, and Melanie Levy
How Do You Represent ‘Those People?’, Neil Fulton
Introduction, Jake Gnolfo
Introduction, Kathleen Michel Kivarkis
Introduction, Jake Gnolfo
Introduction, Sophia Gunzburg
’It is Time to End This Madness’: Why the Protect Illinois Communities Act is Constitutional Under the Second Amendment, Kellie Kleitsch
Law School Plagiarism: A Measured Solution for an Unmeasured Problem, Ashley S. Lipson
Looted Heritage: An Examination of the HEAR Act as a Model to Address the Repatriation of African Art, Marguerite D. Fisher-Heath
Making Protection Unexceptional: A Reconceptualization of the U.S. Asylum System, Denise Gilman
National Pork Producers Council v. Ross: Reining in the Dormant Commerce Clause, Pushing the Limits of State Sovereignty, Jessica Kowalski
On Second Thought: An Empirical Analysis of When the Supreme Court Decides Not to Decide, Adam Feldman and Taylor R. Dalton
Policing Morality: The Inconsistent Application of the Moral Fitness and Fitness Factor, Ariana D. Meyers and Gabrielle C. Wolf
Restorative Justice as a Democratic Practice, Daniel S. McConkie Jr.
Rodriguez at Fifty: Lessons Learned on the Road to a Right to a High-Quality Education for All Students, Kimberly Jenkins Robinson
San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez at Fifty: Contingencies, Consequences, and Calls to Action, Martha Minow
Should the United States Adopt Federal Artificial Intelligence Regulation Similar to the European Union, Jean Joseph
“So” What? Why the Supreme Court’s Narrow Interpretation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in Van Buren v. United States Has Drastic Effects, Landon Wilneff
States’ Duty Under the Federal Elections Clause And A Federal Right to Education, Evan H. Caminker
Table of Contents, Annals of Health Law and Life Sciences
Table of Contents, Loyola Consumer Law Review
Table of Contents, LUC Law Journal
Table of Contents, LUC Law Journal
Table of Contents, LUC Law Journal
Table of Contents, Annals of Health Law and Life Sciences
Table of Contents, Children's Legal Rights Journal
Table of Contents, Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
Table of Contents, Loyola University Chicago International Law Review
Telehealth Solutions for Black Maternal Health, Katherine "Yenny" Wu
The Best Interests of the Child in Judicial Perspective: Morocco and Chile as Case-Studies (1990-2020), Susana Sanz-Caballero
The Conflict of Laws in the South China Sea and Its Threats to the Indo-Pacific Rules-Based Order, Rex Lien Doan
The Constitutional Multiverse: A Retroactive Analysis of Hemphill v. New York, Michael C. Wetmore
The Democratic Deficit of Dobbs, Miranda McGowan
The Federal Trade Commission's Green Guides: Failing the American Consumer and the Planet, Thomas Farbacher
The Promise of Pell: Pell Grants for Justice System Involved Youth After the FAFSA Simplification Act, Mary Hornschemeier Bandstra
Timmsen: A Criminal Procedure U-Turn or Just a Detour?, Nancy Jack and Karl T. Muth
United States v. Vaello-Madero: The Impact of Varying Rights to Citizens of the United States, Ana Siracusa
Usurping Authority: Illinois Sheriffs Declare Law Unconstitutional, Jason M. Cieslik
Virtual Justice: Measuring Perceptions of Fairness in Civil and Criminal Courts, Kaitlyn Filip and Kat Albrecht
Who is to Guard the Guardians Themselves? Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, Racism and Transitional Justice, Cosmas Emeziem