Spring 1981 Antitrust Symposium: Mergers
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
The Relevant Product Market After Brown Shoe: A Framework of Analysis for Clayton and Sherman Act Cases
William MacLeod
The Expansion of Horizontal Merger Defenses After General Dynamics: A Suggested Reconsideration of Sherman Act Principles
Jame F. Ponsoldt
Patents and Section 7 of the Clayton Act: The Significance of Patents in Corporate Acquisitions
Ramon A. Klitzke
Equitable Remedies in the Private Enforcement of Section 7 of the Clayton Act: Do Divestiture and Rescission Create a Panacea or Open a Pandora's Box?
Marianne E. Guerrini
The Antitrust Procedural Improvements Act of 1980: Juridictional Uniformity in Antitrust Merger Law
Beth Beucher
The Effective Use of Postacquisition Evidence Under Section 7 of the Clayton Act
Therese Groble Cushing
Standards for Evaluating Requests for Preliminary Injunctive Relief in Merger Cases
Patricia Neeham Marucci